26-Apr-2021 Source: Airbus Helicopters
Airbus Helicopters’ Support & Services business continues to expand and evolve in 2021, responding to customer expectations for solutions that improve availability, enhance safety, optimise costs, and enable them to perform their essential missions.
Today, 2,400 helicopters are enrolled with comprehensive HCare global support contracts (known as Smart & Infinite), representing 20% of the Airbus Helicopters fleet.
“Our HCare global support contracts demonstrate the tailored level of support and service that we strive to provide our customers more than ever in these uncertain times marked by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic,” said Christoph Zammert, Executive Vice President of Customer Support & Services at Airbus Helicopters. “Whether they are military or civil, small or large, near or far, each customer has its own unique requirements for keeping its fleet flying. Our contracts are customisable which allows us to meet these diverse needs