FC Goa announced the departures of six first-team players - Ivan Gonzalez, Alberto Noguera, Alexander Romario Jesuraj, Dylan Fox, Airam Cabrera and Christy Davis - following the end of their contracts on May 31."The Club would like to .
, March 6 (IANS) Alvaro Vazquez scored in the 90th minute as Kerala Blasters came back from a two-goal deficit as they held FC Goa to a 4-4 draw in an Indian Super League (ISL) 2021-22 at the Athletic Stadium here on Sunday.FC Goa and Kerala .
FC Goa suffered yet another loss when Mumbai City beat them 2-0 on February 26. The Gaurs ineffectiveness along with the mistakes in defence cost them the three points, as they remained rooted to ninth place.The Men in Orange fielded a lineup .
, Feb 27 (IANS) A gripping contest in the 2021-22 Indian Super League (ISL) saw Mumbai City FC defeat FC Goa by a 2-0 scoreline at the Athletic Stadium, here on Saturday.The result helped the reigning champions Mumbai climb to the fourth .
, Jan 1 (IANS) Kerala Blasters FC and FC Goa will look to start the new year on a high when they lock horns in match 46 of the ongoing 2021-22 Indian Super League ISL at Tilak Maidan Stadium, here on Sunday.Kerala Blasters rank fifth in the .