9:00. so, i spoke to age gentleman, vy briefly. and he said, boy that doesn t look good. i said, no. you know? it could be. air show practice. maybe they re doing a fake bombing run or something. they have got, explosives guys on the ground. but i said that would be really odd for that island. because, there is nothing out there. no reason to be out doing anything like that. you would do that more toward a military base which is, like another ten miles east of that location. so, just it just didn t dawn on me what happened until i got home and looked it up on google. it was just all over the internet. at that point. i just, my heart sank. and it, it truly goes out, to him and his family. and once the reality of what happened set in. i thought, i witness aid plane crash. i have never seen anything like this in my life. still in shock. well, what you witnessed. you saw a plane, being hijacked.