New improvements for the 10,000-foot runway are needed. Other new facilities in the works include a combined ops alert facility for the 914th and a multi-agency secure facility for the 107th Attack Wing of the New York Air National Guard.
As a $10.6 million project starts to upgrade the airbase main gate and security it's more progress for the installation with a new commander at the helm.
Work will include the construction of a new entrance processing facility, extending entrance avenue, an installation security facility with new barricade systems, and renovating the installation s visitors center.
The airport has known about the potential contamination on its property for years but hasn’t tested for it or taken steps to protect nearby residents. There are no laws requiring it to take action. Scientists say the airport’s $1.4 billion construction project could make the contamination problem worse.
Flights are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday at the Youngstown-Warren Regional Airport. Only walk-ups, no appointment needed. Tickets are $85 for adults and $55 for children.