ENAIRE has successfully completed the project that, from 2014 to 2020, saw the deployment and commissioning of the fifth generation of its Air Navigation Data Network (REDAN V).
This network, which includes transport and other value-added elements, integrates voice and data communications for air navigation, providing coverage at every airport, air traffic control centre and, in general, any location that generates or uses aviation information.
As a result, REDAN now allows ENAIRE s communications, navigation, surveillance and air traffic management (CNS/ATM) systems to be interconnected, providing voice and data services with the required service quality in terms of availability, flexibility and security. It also allows connecting these systems with the networks of other air navigation service providers and, in general, with any aeronautical communications network: PanEuropean Network Services (NewPENS), providers of ACARS/ATN (Aircraft Communications, Addressing and Reporting Sys