suffered from dust related asked for fifteen years. while one of the houses than the pill i was told my ass mom was caused by the air. that makes me feel constricted when i breath i have difficulty speaking it feels like my airways are tightening up sharply i can t breathe normally out here but the. the good news for me it s not just a seasonal allergies like some people think the condition stays with you all the time. with or without a location you can t function. passages close up secular we have other stuff you have to take medication or you won t be able to breathe if you don t you ll suffer constantly want them. president hunted on a merry show some of the measures kuwaitis used to try to prevent dust particles
think about the air in kuwait the air in kuwait is full of dust as well as chemicals that come from the oil industry as well as that comes from pollution from cars as of the same time you have a lot of pollen. in that if so if you like you can say you have a cocktail of of chemicals into that here. almost one in five of kuwait s residents suffer from asthma. people live with the condition year round but don t see a spike in admissions when the dust storms arise. during the dust storm season the number of patients visiting our clinic increased to double the usual day and some of them they get severe attacks that requires hospital admission and and tense of king. q a two resident mokhtar has
q eight this city lives under the shadow of dust storms with around twenty one here . in summer almost every day people are breathing in dusty air. kuwait is in the main pathway of winds bringing dust it blows in from the sun harra in the west and in summer the shema winds from the northwest bring dust from syria and iraq. it is one of the worst effect in the region and most of the tajik to his of dust storms and kuwait and dr ali al disorient research team know all about dust from firsthand experience dust builds up on cars and windows and on other surfaces such as solar panels and it s getting was they got amount of dust increased focus on the amount of dust each side from two
composition varies depending on where it comes from these variations have a bearing on its health impact the size of dust particles is key and assessing their impact on health the kuwaiti scientists measure the size range by looking at the light scattered when a laser beam is shown through the sample. the size of the particle is very important and causing a disparity problems. eighty five percent of dust size in kuwait is ten micro meters and that s the size that usually cause respiratory complaint and exacerbation of us. when we breathe in dust particles smaller than ten micro meters the pm ten particles become lodged in the lungs causing breathing difficulties even smaller particles pm two point five can actually cross directly into our bloodstream. these small particles interfere with the gas exchange.
its chemical and mineral composition varies depending on where it comes from these variations have a bearing on its health impact the size of dust particles is key and assessing their impact on health the kuwaiti scientists measure the size range by looking at the light scattered when a laser beam is shown through the sample. the size of the particle is very important and causing a disparity problems. eighty five percent of dust size in kuwait is ten micro meters and that s the size that usually cause respiratory complaint and exacerbation of us. when we breathe in dust particles smaller than ten micro meters the pm ten particles become lodged in the lungs causing breathing difficulties even smaller particles pm two point five can actually cross directly into our bloodstream. these small particles they interfere with the gas exchange.