half a world away. i am oliver north, this is war stories coming to you from the air foes base in new mexico. here military personnel are trained in ever i aspect of maintaining and flying platforms like this mq 9 reborn ariel vehicles like these are on missions around the globe. battle fields in afghan and earthquake disasters like haiti. they have logged hundreds of thousands of hours in the air and launched hell fire missiles with pinpoint accuracy. these remarkable machines save lives and you will see how in high-tech warriors on the battlefield. i had the opportunity to be one of the guys that got to fly the predator in combat. without a doubt the worse case scenario with regard to unmanned systems is they don t go. we are able to find ways technology can give a soldier
half a world away. i am oliver north, this is war stories coming to you from the air foes base in new mexico. here military personnel are trained in ever i aspect of maintaining and flying platforms like this mq 9 reborn ariel vehicles like these are on missions around the globe. battle fields in afghan and earthquake disasters like haiti. they have logged hundreds of thousands of hours in the air and launched hell fire missiles with pinpoint accuracy. these remarkable machines save lives and you will see how in high-tech warriors on the battlefield. i had the opportunity to be one of the guys that got to fly the predator in combat. without a doubt the worse case scenario with regard to unmanned systems is they don t go. we are able to find ways technology can give a soldier