republicans fault. we have a duty, responsibility, and an obligation to go back to washington, d.c., and take up assault weapons. that s what people are crying for. melissa: what s your response to that? from the very beginning of the president s term in office, the democrats have blamed him for every ailment america faces. these mass shootings in dayton and el paso are horrible and tragic, and those communities are shaken and will likely never be the same again. the democrats first response is to blame it entirely on president trump. they are essentially calling him, personally, a mass murderer. melissa: they don t have any assault weapons there it doesn t matter to the democrats what president trump proposes or supports or even gets pass melissa: so he shouldn t touch the assault weapons because that wouldn t satisfy them either, is that what you re saying? i will never get ahead of the white house as they discuss what things might be presented to or