February 11, 2021
The kidnapping and murder of a young court clerk, Andrea Bharratt has evoked strong emotions from a wide cross-section of the Trinibagonian population. Protests, vigils and calls for legislation regarding the use of non-lethal weapons such as pepper spray and tasers, and the resumption of hangings have all become some of the manifestations of these emotions.
There is no doubt that what happened to Andrea is a tragedy for this country. This has caused the “Protect Our Women” call to re-emerge with a specific focus on dealing with gender-based violence. However, this call to protect our women can be quite skewed because this does not apply to all women irrespective of race, colour and class. This is the stark reality that we have to grapple with as this concern can be quite selective. This is seen in the case of Ornella Greaves, a Beetham Garden’s resident, who was presumably shot dead by the Trinidad and Tobago Police force in June of last year, while prote