have to be unanimous.t you can become theju leader of . free world with less than 2% ofa dethe vote but you cannot be convicted, even of jaywalking without a full agreement of your fellow citizens.w pendants critique lawyers. testimony on the witness stand and judge with newman sne evidentiary readings, i thought judge newman did an outstanding job under very difficult circumstances. the lawyers on botich sideuls ey good reputation but cases are rarely won or lost because of judges or lawyers. it s the evidence juries focus on. weeks ago i said i d rather have a false exculpatory statement minute confession. now you see why. e wi improve fate quicker than any other type of evidence. it was alex myrna live not being present at the murder scene that didn t lament for the forensics and ballistics and gunshot residue, blood spatter, cell phone information, navigation data, a life that exposed him as the killer. trials are really two trials in one, the prosecution tells usth what
america if you will, has the ability to forgive have ail trillionl, dollars in student ln debt impacting 43 million americans without having to consult with congress the people under the constitution actually have legal responsibility forha vegiving out money and appropriating funds. thus the question before the supreme court and i think it s obvious where the supreme court will come out which is not inr. joe biden s favor.re r professor, i thought you write and then i setst of readig stories after the oral arguments and the left-leaning media fell in love with the arguments ofr the solicitor general and nogew they think this maybe is a jumpy also put on your professor hat, what is the argument that he does have the authority? the argument joe biden has the authority is under a statute enacted right after september nt