What would you do if you were going to receive nearly $80 million over seven years? That s the question the Aiken City Council faced Monday evening as it began to discuss what city projects would be funded by Aiken County s fifth Capital Project Sales Tax.
An economic development proposal known as Project Sunny was on the agenda for Aiken County Council’s meeting Tuesday at the Aiken County Government Center.
Aiken County Planning Commission will recommend the county rezone a Wire Road property to Residential Multi-Family Development, which allows smaller lot sizes.
Aiken County staff members tell the CPST V ad hoc study committee their priorities for how to spend $127.6 million the sales tax could generate for the county.
Aiken County Council is considering selling 48.4 acres the county owns in Sage Mill Industrial Park in Graniteville to SMRR Investments LLC for $1.062 million.