In the impeachment inquiry. Until then, you will get a preview, take your calls, and we will hear from you on facebook and twitter as well. At a now are looking familiar hearing room on capitol hill. That is where the house today sherry committee will hold its Second Public hearing on the impeachment agree, this one focusing on the evidence gathered in the process. That will start at 9 00. You can watch cspans gaveltogavel coverage on cspan. Go to cspan. Org if you want to watch online and you can follow on our free cspan radio app. Up until close of the time of the hearing, we will take your calls on this latest phase and here is how you can contact us. 2027488001 for republicans. 2027488000 for democrats. And 2027488002 for independents. If you want to text us, 2027488003 is how you do that. You can post on twitter at cspanwj. You can also post on our Facebook Page at cspan. Org. At facebook. Com cspan. Here to walk us through on what to expect this morning is Greta Brawner. 2 we are
Vehemently denied any connection saying no way i would never do that who told you that in closing the call president to trump told senator johnson that were reviewing it now referring to the Security Assistance and guess what youll probably like my final decision he told that to senator johnson on august 31st this statement strongly suggests that President Trump was already leaning toward lifting the aid separately on september 9th President Trump spoke by phone with ambassador sama and ambassador someone asked the president what do you want from ukraine president respond President Trump responded i want nothing i want no quid pro quo i want selenski to do the right thing. In addition senior Ukrainian Government officials denied any awareness of a linkage between u. S. Security assistance and investigations these denials are persuasive because if there was in fact an orchestrated scheme to pressure ukraine by withholding Security Assistance one would think the pause on Security Assista
Them in the right direction. Witnesses in the impeachment inquiry testified that the allegation of ukrainian influence in the 2016 election was appropriate to examine. Ambassador volker testified that he thought it was fine to investigate allegations about 2016 influence. Ambassador taylor said, for example, that the allegations surprised and disappointed him, on this record i do not believe one could conclude that President Trump had no legitimate basis to raise a concern about efforts by ukrainians to influence the 2016 election. Let me now turn to the first assertion that President Trump withheld a meeting with president zelensky as a way of pressuring him to investigate the former vp. Here it is important to note ukraines long, profound history of endemic corruption. Several witnesses during the inquiry have testified about these problems. Ambassador marie yovanovitch, for example, said ukraines corruption is not just prevalent but, frankly, is the system. Witnesses testified to ha
Decades who came to testify. In fact, four of President Trumps own National Security counsel staffers, hill, vindman, morrison and mcguire came forward to report trumps scheme to nsc lawyers as soon as they learned of it, didnt they, mr. Goldman . Morrison and vindman went to the lawyers as soon as they learned it, yes. That moved me a lot because my father was a staffer on the National Security council under president kennedy and he said the most important thing you can bring to work with you every day is your conscience. He devoted his career to the idea that people must speak truth to power when power becomes a clear and present danger to democracy and to the people. So i want to talk about two of the many honorable government witnesses who went under oath and stood up for the truth. Mr. Goldman, who is dr. Fiona hill. She was the senior director for the europe and russia directorate at the National Security council until july of this year. And she was President Trumps Senior Advise
Do you recall mr. Morrisons reaction . Mr. Morrison said that he was shocked, i think, and that sinking feeling . Sinking feeling, correct, and then he went and talked to the lawyers at the direction of ambassador bolton. Correct. And mr. Goldman, ambassador taylor also testified that he concluded that the military aid was conditioned on zelensky announcing the investigations and he testified that this was illogic illogical, crazy and wrong, is that right . Thats what ambassador taylor testified to, yes. My colleagues have also pointed out that on september 9 a text message from sondland reflecting that the president has been Crystal Clear that there is no quid pro quo. Mr. Goldman, am i correct that ambassador sondland has now testified that prior to sending his texts, he himself came too believe th believe that the aid was conditioned on the announcement of investigations . Yes. Ambassador sondlands subsequent public testimony revealed at least two things that were precisely false, t