inflation. take a look and i agree s with what chairman paul said last week that theeek number one threat is the strengthon in strength that we build is inflation. look, i know you ve got to be frustrating. no, i can taste it for inflation and it s going to take any responsibility or policy. i think our policy is to helppde nots hurt. think about think about what they say the vast majority of the of the of the economist think that this is going to be a real tough problem to solve. but it s not because of spending screaming at the tv. how have they helped joe now since joe has clearly lost any ability to communicate becauseog of this cognitive decline? allow me to m trye to translate for him. there s no plan to curb inflation, by the way. it s notay transitory either. there s no plan to lower gas prices, is no plan to spur on economic growth or as bloomberg reported, quote, inside the administration there is a sense of frustration, doom and some say magical thinking about
tomorrow if i m not mistaken, yeah, i ll get him tomorrow. cpi comes outes tomorrow. so it s interesting that joe held a press conferencee on inflation today because i would assume that tomorrow s numbers, even if they decrease from the previous , are still going to be a forty year high. is that a fair assumption? yeah, i think that s fair. n the trend line is not going to change. , he and you know, joe biden, he probably got at numbers some time in the middle to late afternoon. a i usedfter to be in that loop. but look, all he did was play the biden blame game today.e there sth nothing new . he wants to continue to he wants to continue to restrict fossil fuels of all kinds. gasoline prices hit a record high. he also wants to continue toe tax. he s also blaming i just love he, he blamed putin. there s one in there you blameet rick scott. ed he blamed what s it ultra maga hat? i don t knowi what that is, sean. maybe you could help me. i may be ultra maga hat.