AI To Interpret Human Emotions: Researcher Calls For Regulatory Oversight For Such Tools Being Pushed In Schools And Workplaces
AI To Interpret Human Emotions: Researcher Calls For Regulatory Oversight For Such Tools Being Pushed In Schools And Workplaces
Predicting a worker’s emotional state is of so much interest to employers that the emotion-recognition industry is likely to grow manifold by 2026 By Edited by Gadgets 360 Newsdesk | Updated: 17 May 2021 13:45 IST
Photo Credit: Pixabay
It is being used for things ranging from schooling to HR to policing
Professor Kate Crawford at Microsoft Research says relegation is needed
While the pandemic has led to people and authorities shifting their focus on fighting the coronavirus, some technology companies are trying to use this situation as a pretext to push “unproven” artificial intelligence (AI) tools into workplaces and schools, according to a report in the journal Nature. Ami