Hamid Mutasher, peace activist from the Ahwazi Arab minority of Iran, calls for unorthodox solution for Iranian expansionism, namely dismantling Iran into smaller nation states.
The United States has been shifting back and forth between the possibility of reaching a nuclear deal with Tehran, some are highly critical of the possibility
Iranian Dissident: The Holocaust-Denying Iranian Regime Is Worse Than The Nazis
April 20, 2021
On the occasion of Israel s Holocaust Remembrance Day on April 8, 2021, Iranian dissident Hamid Mutashar, founder of the Ahwazi Liberal Party, expressed sympathy towards the Jews, calling them our brothers and their Holocaust the worst crime in history. He wrote that, despite the persecution, massacres and expulsions they suffered at the hands of various dictators, most recently at the hands of the Nazis, the Jewish people arose from the ashes and returned to their homeland, thanks to their courage, innovation and creativity. Mutashar called on the world to learn a lesson from the Holocaust in order to prevent it from recurring, this time at the hands of the terrorist Iranian regime, which he said is threatening the peoples of the region and especially the Jews. Whoever wants to join the ranks of the lovers of peace and of those who benefit humanity in general and our Jewish bret