The accused, identified as Amar Jagdish Theri (Nayak) a resident of Hisar in Haryana, was produced before the Magistrate court Tuesday and sent to two days of police remand, said D.B Patel, police inspector at Ahmedabad Cyber Crime Branch.
The Ahmedabad Cyber Crime police detained two persons for allegedly issuing threatening messages to the public on behalf of a pro-Khalistan group against attending the India-Australia Test cricket match hosted at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad on March 8.
Ahmedabad youth detained for posting obscene comments about women panel
According to police, Akash Jain, a resident of Lakshmidham society in Vadodara was detained on Thursday after an FIR was filed against him under section 67 of the Information Technology Act for obscenity at the Ahmedabad Cyber Crime Police Station. December 24, 2020 9:18:15 pm
It is feared that the amendment could have a chilling effect on free speech giving more power to the police and restricting freedom of the press.
The Ahmedabad Cyber Crime Cell on Thursday detained a youth from Vadodara for allegedly posting obscene tweets about the National Commission for Women (NCW) on Twitter back in July after the commission took cognizance of one female stand-up comedian getting rape threats on Twitter and asked Vadodara police to arrest the offender.