washington post journalist jamal khashoggi at the saudi consulate in istanbul, the one that trump is apparently helping the saudis come up with their cover story, according to the washington post, and their intrepid national security reporter david ingatius, the saudis have picked their scapegoat so that their ruler gets to stay in power, so that the crown prince gets excused. quoting him, one possible scapegoat according to several sources may be major general ahmed aseri. the u.s. government learned that he was planning to create a tiger team to conduct covert operations, those officials didn t know the targets. well, that saudi official, the general who american intelligence sources are now saying oh, that may be the rogue killer that donald trump predicted. well, you should know that he,
that same general, was the main contact for elliott broidy and journal mader in the saudi government. for whatever nader and broidy were up to in the election, and thereafter. nader wrote to elliott broidy about a terrific, magnificent meeting with the saudi crown prince. he was very positive overall, the prince even asked them to discuss their contracts with general ahmed. the same general ahmed. so apparently the guy who is going to be assigned to take the fall for the jamal khashoggi murder, he can maybe also take the fall for whatever election interference scheme the saudis may have been pitching to the trump campaign, the one that robert mueller is nailing down right now. nice. two birds with one stone, right? nice. congressman eric swalwell from the intelligence committee will be our guest live, next. commit be our guest live, next. you do, too, but not in time. hey, no big deal.