The chief of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) has downplayed Western sanctions against the country’s national broadcaster, stressing that the media corporation is unfazed by the embargo and committed to its mission.
The head of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) censures Western-led sanctions against the media corporation, saying the bans are in contravention of the principle of freedom of speech and a clear manifestation of "media dictatorship."
The US Treasury Department slaps a round of sanctions against high-ranking IRIB officials as the White House continues to interfere in the country’s internal affairs.
The founder of one of the first Iranian ad agencies to focus on social media has some advice for Russian businesses, now that their country, too, is under international sanctions: You will adapt and survive, but it will be brutal.
Ahmad Norouzi, chief executive officer of Click, said it took a while to accept that the firm’s clientele of multinationals were gone for good, but that they found domestic replacements soon enough. The catch: annual revenues fell from about US$2.3 million before sanctions struck again in 2018, to US$285,000 today.
Russia is a G20 member with an economy about seven times that