Bharatiya Janata Party candidate from the Jamnagar North seat, Rivaba Jadeja who was earlier trailing at the third spot in the early hours of counting of votes, is now leading at the top spot but the final results.
Victory in Gujarat will make the BJP the only party other than the CPI(M) to have won seven straight Assembly polls. The CPI(M), which ruled West Bengal for 34 years from 1977 to 2011, had also won seven straight elections. Here’s what is happening in Ghatlodia, Vadgam, Khambhalia, Jamnagar North, Viramgram andVaghodia
Gujarat Assembly poll results 2022: Rivaba, the wife of cricketer Ravindra Jadeja, who won from the Jamnagar (North) seat on a BJP ticket, also praised the party for the work it did in the last 27 years.
BJP candidate from the Jamnagar North seat, Rivaba Jadeja, who was earlier trailing at the third spot in the early hours of counting of votes, is now leading at the top spot.