The show is produced by Dashami Creations. Punyashlok Ahilyabai is based on the life of queen Ahilyabai Holkar, who reigned over the region of Malwa from 1767 to 1795. |
Gaurav is being lauded for his performance as Khande Rao. The actor's character in the show has seen lots of growth and the viewers are loving how his character has shaped over the time. Gaurav's career has reached new heights and he has become a household name. |
Gaurav is being lauded for his performance as Khande Rao. The actor's character in the show has seen lots of growth and the viewers are loving how his character has shaped over the time. |
At the Gandhi Hall complex of Indore, on Sunday, India s map was created with as many as 51,000 lamps and a portrait of Goddess Ahilya made by rangoli was placed in place of Madhya Pradesh state on the map.
Surely Ahilya Bai was a great woman, someone who in a true sense was an ideal woman to look up to as a role model. Talking about Aetesha, she is showing the same strength in the character that she’s playing and it’s attracting more audience. |