Industrial real estate developers must be more proactive in responding to the upcoming global minimum tax policy by improving the quality of industrial zone infrastructure and providing more utilities for their tenants.
Vietnam is studying and adjusting its investment policies to adapt to the global minimum corporate income tax which is scheduled to be applied from 2024, said Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Thi Bich Ngoc.
Implementing a global minimum tax rate will create conditions to increase tax revenue from foreign enterprises, but at the same time put Vietnam in front of new challenges. Patrick Lenain and Agustin Redonda from the Council on Economic Policies in Switzerland analyse the advantages and the risks of this type of tax for Vietnam.
How can tax systems help solve the climate emergency? Is it possible to tax digitalised businesses? And what tax challenges and solutions do ageing populations pose?
These complex, multifaceted questions and more were discussed in Accountancy Europe’s Future-proofing tax: make it green, digital, fair last week, which gathered speakers from around the tax world to discuss how to make taxation green, digital and fair.
Tax is the problem and the solution
Chiara Putaturo, EU Inequality and Tax Policy Advisor at Oxfam opened the panel section of the webinar by stating that a sustainable tax system allows recovery from the current crisis while taking into account the two challenges that are the most relevant for our time: inequality and climate change.