Punjab Deputy Chief Minister Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa on Tuesday called the killing of a labourer at the Singhu border a possible conspiracy to defame the farmers' agitation, citing a purported photograph of Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Sing
Citing a photo of Narendra Singh Tomar with a 'Nihang leader', Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa alleged that the lynching of a labourer at Singhu border could have been a 'conspiracy' to defame the farmers' agitation.
Punjab Deputy Chief Minister Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa on Tuesday called the lynching of a labourer at the Singhu border a possible conspiracy to defame the farmers’ agitation, citing a purported photograph of Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar with a Nihang “leader”. The group photo includes Tomar and a man in blue robes of the Sikh order of the Nihangs.