What you need to know about growing grapes and making homemade wine, including tips on picking grape varieties, how to plant grapes, tending grapevines, when to harvest grapes and a guide to making homemade wine.
air bags and cushion them with air bags and land it on the surface. that was the tried and trued method. but this rover is the size of a car, 2,000 pounds. it s too big to do it any other way than what they re going to attempt in 36 hours. never before happen. and what they will do is hit the atmosphere at 13,200 miles an hour. they ll begin to slowdown. they ll be maneuvering through the atmosphere and then at some point will deploy a parra chute which will further slow the vehicle but not enough to get it on the ground safely. at that point they will fire some rockets on the spacecraft and it will begin to line itself up with the martian surface then they ll use a sky crane where the rover will actually dissend from the bottom of the landing vehicle and the two will dissend on the surface together. then they will fire off the other part of the vehicle that they no longer need. so that will all take place in a matter of seven minutes, from the time they hit the top of the at