I invite you to check our website for a listing of events. You may register for these programs online or by calling the 24 hour reservation line. Stevens books, altered genes, trista twisted truth will be for sale in the lobby and hillary will be there to sign books. If you have any friends who wanted to hear this program and were not able to, the podcast should be online in about a day. He is speaking again thursday in palo alto at the community center. If you want to find out more about that online you go to Silicon Valley health institute. In terms of questions today, when you feel the question. So pass them to the aisle. That way i wont have to block the tvs while the recording this. Now i will start the program officially. Greetings and welcome to todays meeting. I am bill grant, cochair of the forum and chair of this program. It is my pleasure to introduce our distinguished speakers. Steven is a Public Interest attorney who initiated a lawsuit that revealed the agency had covered
In 2016 and its aftermath. For more information, check out wer site at booktv. Org. Greeting and welcome to todays meeting from the commonwealth chair of california. I am bill grant chair of this program. It is my pleasure to extend a special welcome to club members. At this time, please turn off all cell phones and noisemaking devices. The event is being video graphed and recorded for pod casts so we dont want extraneous sounds. Many tup topics are coming up and i invite you to visit our website at commonclub. Org or call our 24 hour reservation line. Stevens book will be for sale in the hobby after the program and he is happy to sign the book. If you have friends who want to be here this program and were not able to, the pod cast should be online in about a day. Cspan is here to record it for tv. And he is speaking again thursday in palo alto at the community center. You have want to find out more about that go to the szhi. Com i believe. Schi. Com to find out more information. That
Book, the 70s the great shift in American Culture as our main textbook. So, when i refer to schulman, that is what i am talking about. Tonight, we are using the 1973 film soylent green, starring charlton heston, as a window into both the Science Fiction film genre and into some of the most difficult domestic challenges of the 1970s, where all of the president ial administrations, but particularly for president jimmy carter. So that is why we are using soylent green. A quick synopsis, this film is set in a dystopian future. It is not a utopian ideal. It is dystopian where everything is terrible future. The big problem is overpopulation. New york city is wildly overcrowded with a population of 40 Million People. By way of contrast, the Current Population of new york city is 8 million. Were talking five times the normal population of new york city, which is outrageous. The Soylent Corporation oversees the citys food supply. So that is where we get our title soylent. The food supply mostly
Chair of this program. It is my pleasure to extend a special welcome to the club members that are here. We will enjoy your membership and look forward to see you later. At this time turn off all cell phones and other noisemaking devices. The event is being recorded for podcast, so we dont get any extraneous sounds. There are many upcoming programs, i invite you to check our website for complete listing of eventss, please register for 24 hour reservation venture to genetically engineer our food has subverted science, corrupted government, and systematically deceived the public will be for sale in the lobby after this program. Also if you have any friends wanting to hear this program and were unable, the podcast should be online in about a day. Cspan here is to record it for tv and he is speaking in palo alto thursday at the community center. If you want to find out more online you can go to the Silicon Valley health institute. That is a good place. In terms of questions, question cards
Industry . Amazon delivery testing out a new feature that would allow deliveries even while you are not at home. Amazon topped earnings estimates. Wall selling more Products Online while managing expenses. For the first time, amazon is incorporating whole foods into their mix. James and our bloomberg tech reporter elizabeth join me to discuss the results. Hats off to jeff bezos. What you are seeing is acceleration. Seven points acceleration in the total business. Even when you strip out whole foods, it is a threepoint acceleration. Everything is growing and growing faster than it was before. There is a lot of scrutiny over what the margins were going to look like, and north america did dip a little bit, but international is holding flat, at the same time, you saw an uptick in the aws market where there was some concern about pricing pressure. All in all, goldstar. Emily lets look at whole foods. They had about a month of sales included. What are we seeing there . Million inbout 21 oper