Η Κίνα απέδειξε ότι δεν είχε αντίπαλο στο αγώνισμα των καταδύσεων από βατήρα 10 μέτρων γυναικών, κάνοντας το 1-2 τον τελικό των Ολυμπιακών Αγώνων του Τόκιο.
Λίγα 24ωρα μετά το χρυσό μετάλλιο στο μήκος των Ολυμπιακών Αγώνων του Τόκιο, ο Μίλτος Τεντόγλου επέστρεψε στην Ελλάδα, εμφανώς ικανοποιημένος από την τεράστια επιτυχία του με την κατάκτηση του χρυσού μεταλλίου στο μήκος.
does she believe she has in changing the law herself. obviously the republicans have been very mixed about the way that kathleen sell evenus has been able to single-handedly change aspects of the law. some think she has gonon her powers a think she has gone beyond her powers. so this is a question of mrs. burwell what she thinks her powers are in terms of changing obamacare. in terms of concrete policy changes that the republicans and white house and mrs. burwell will come together and do, i don t think you will see any changes that are collaborate in the future because the republicans right now see a very strong political advantage in repealing obamacare as a message going into the november elections. how do you think that will fair come november with voters? well, right now we ve seen a test case and that was in the florida 13th district. there was a special election there and the republican