Those with questions about Medicare coverage can bring those questions along with notepads to First Christian Church, 780 20th St. NE in Paris for a lunch and learn session starting
If you have health insurance through Medicare, the federal healthcare program for those age 65 and older, your annual open enrollment period- the time when you can change your choices for Part D coverage, enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan, change Medigap plans, and/or change Medicare Advantage plans- starts Friday, Oct. 15 and runs through Tuesday, Dec. 7.
If you have health insurance through Medicare, the federal healthcare program for those age 65 and older, your annual open enrollment period the time when you can change your choices for Part D coverage, enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan, change Medigap plans, and/or change Medicare Advantage plans starts Friday, Oct. 15 and runs through Tuesday, Dec. 7.