The Macro Challenges of Population Aging
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Global Aging Institute (GAI) warns that the aging of the U.S. population not only threatens to overwhelm the budget, but could also usher in a future of permanently slower economic growth and diminished geopolitical stature. The paper, entitled
The Macro Challenges of Population Aging, is the fifth in a series of issue briefs on the aging of America called The dramatic shift in the age structure and growth rate of the U.S. population poses a series of challenges that reach far beyond the impact on the federal budget, said Robert L. Bixby, executive director of The Concord Coalition. The aging of America could affect everything from employment and productivity growth to the nation s social mood and its place in the world order. In this issue brief, we take a broad look at the macro implications of population aging. The implications are sobering, and we cannot afford to ignore them.