this month. the california couple who lost their 20-year-old daughter has filed a lawsuit blaming the building s owner, main tenant, and others for that overwhelming tragedy. we have the latest details from our west coast newsroom. will? reporter: hey. that warehouse has been called a death trap. really no surprise that legal action is taking place now. you may remember the skould ghost ship was filled with fire hazards, a makeshift staircase, a maze of wood earn furniture, and no signs of smoke detectors or a sprinkler system. so attorneys filed two complaints on friday. one on behalf of 20-year-old mikayla aggressionry who, according to gregory, who according to the medical exam for, died in her boyfriend, alex vega s, arms. her mother and father said there s not a day that goes by where they don t miss their daughter. they want justice for both mikhail ayla and her behave. we knew that they and her boyfriend. we knew that they had to be found together or trying to help eac