to twitter. in fact, there were so manye fbi officials that twitter that they had their own internal messaging system. they actually had their ow essagingn cue card to kind of train people going from fbi to twitter. re tg and so there was this relentless pressure by external fbi agentsss on twitter to basically adapt its content moderation, also to share information. then you had these sources inside twitter, former fbi officials, particularly formejim baker, who very strenu argued for the censorshiedp ofde the new york post, reporting on the joe biden laptop in the emails, whic ah these very questionable business dealings with china and other countries. , tucker, more investigative work needs to be done,ed buts t looks like a kind ofychologi psychological operation that you would see the cioperata conducting in foreign countries, not something that you would see intelligence somethi agents in the unitedted st states perpetrating against both news organizationats, but also social med