On October 27, the FTC has approved an amendment to the Safeguards Rule that would require non-banking institutions to report certain data breaches and other.
A few months ago, we published a post about the OCC, FDIC, and Federal Reserve Board’s final rule to improve information sharing about cyber incidents that may affect the U.S. banking system.
A few months ago, we published a post about the OCC, FDIC, and Federal Reserve Board’s final rule to improve information sharing about cyber incidents that may affect the U.S. banking system.
The California court of appeals affirmed a trial court’s ruling that permitted a consumer to recover attorney’s fees based on allegations that an auto finance company was liable for the auto dealer’s misrepresentations about the features of the purchased automobile.
The California court of appeals affirmed a trial court’s ruling that permitted a consumer to recover attorney’s fees based on allegations that an auto finance company was liable for the auto dealer’s misrepresentations about the features of the purchased automobile.