Elan Taylor, Esq., Defense Logistics Agency, for the agency.
Young H. Cho, Esq., and Peter H. Tran, Esq., Office of the General Counsel, GAO, participated in the preparation of the decision.
Request for recommendation that protest costs be reimbursed after our Office dismissed a protest as premature in light of an ongoing investigation into the allegation of an organizational conflict of interest is dismissed where the agency did not take corrective action in the prior protest.
Optimize Consulting, Inc., of Palatka, Florida, requests that our Office recommend that the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) reimburse the firm the reasonable costs of filing and pursuing its protest challenging the award of a contract to VC Solutions JV, LLC, of Lutz, Florida, under request for proposals (RFP) No. SP4703-20-R-0002, issued by the DLA, for continuous process improvement (CPI) deployment; growth and sustainment; and coaching and execution of CPI project support services. O