fatigue. but if that s true, the next three weeks is really going to exhaust their patience. reporter: it would be one thing for the government to shut down in four days. national parks would close, medical research interrupted. but then economic catastrophe may come 17 days later when the u.s. could default on its loans if congress doesn t raise the debt ceiling. the white house is warning not to use it as a bargaining chip. there is no negotiating over congress s responsibility to ensure we do not default. reporter: gop sources tell cnn that as soon as saturday, house republicans are planning to pass a bill that raises the debt ceiling but also adds several gop priorities like the keystone pipeline or tax reform or even delaying obamacare for one year. the real play here is going to be leading up to the debt ceiling discussion where we could get a full delay for a year, including taxes of obamacare and i think the president is ready to do that.
let s also stop pretending there s not bad things about obamacare. that could be fixed in one year if our folks got together, compromised and fixed what needs fixed. anna makes a key point here. what about compromise, stephanie? because when it comes to the debt ceiling, the president said he will not negotiate. isn t that what divided government is about, negotiating and compromise? first of all on the affordable care act, obamacare, that is we re days away from people having the ability to sign up for new plans, there s plenty of time. they have six months, the open window to buy a plan. and there is some information that needs to get out there but that s what people are doing now. all over the country, rates just got put out yesterday. people are learning what their options are. they re saying that they have better options and lower prices. so this isn t about compromise. this is about what republicans have been trying to do for three have been trying to do for three years now
the keystone pipeline, a one-year delay in the individual mandate for obamacare, tax reform, entitlement reform. where did the talk go of a grand bargain? out the window. it seems like a different approach now. it went out the window because they don t trust each other, the president and republican leadership were unable to strike that grand bargain back at a time when they might have a better political environment to do it. forget about that now, heading into the midterm election year. when you put that list up, there s no way senate democrats will go along with everything there and then there s no way the president will go along with everything there. the president is not going to willingly delay his health care plan by a year. however, again, it could potentially force some tough votes by senate democrats up for re-election next year and maybe the republicans can get something. maybe they get the keystone pipeline, maybe they can negotiate something on the issue of tax reform.
if congress doesn t raise the debt ceiling. the white house is warning not to use it as a bargaining chip. there is no negotiating over congress s responsibility to ensure we do not default. reporter: gop sources tell cnn that as soon as saturday, house republicans are planning to pass a bill that raises the debt ceiling but also adds several gop priorities like the keystone pipeline or tax reform or even delaying obamacare for one year. the real play here is going to be leading up to the debt ceiling discussion where we could get a full delay for a year, including taxes of obamacare and i think the president is ready to do that. reporter: fat chance say democrats. their strategy will fail. because the financial markets will pistol whip the republican conference into doing then what they should be doing now. and that is pay america s bills. reporter: but let s go back to that first deadline, the looming government shutdown. senator, i know you re
conservative editorial pages this morning, it looks maybe even more unlikely, the senate is expected to vote friday or saturday to fund the government but not defund obamacare. chris, that will put this back in the house s court and it will just be two or three days they have to decide what to do before that deadline happens. all right, dana, thank you. weath one thing is sure, obamacare is in the crosshairs and a lot of people have misgivings about it. let s bring in someone who understands the law better than anyone else, trying desperately to get it implemented for october 1st and explain it to people. we are going to bring in the secretary of health and human services, kathleen sebelius. i m looking down at my notes as i m introducing you. you can judge the politics any way you want. one thing from polls and per semgs seems clear, the narrative on obamacare is negative right now. people think it s big government at its worst.