USDA has entered into a memorandum of understanding with Agriculture Future of America to join forces on preparing future ag and food industry workers.
A bipartisan working group formed by the House Agriculture Committee to recommend possible changes to the H-2A visa program issued an interim report Tuesday that outlines a number of complaints by farmers, from rising wage rates to lengthy delays in getting approved workers into the country.
The average age of farmers today is 58, setting up a need to adopt new government policies to attract and retain new farmers and protect the agricultural industry’s ability to meet growing world food needs.
House Republicans remain unable to agree on a continuing resolution to keep the government funded in October. Meanwhile, senators left town Thursday still unable to get agreement on bringing up a three-bill spending package that includes its version of the USDA-FDA bill.
It’s no secret that heading up one of the nation’s many agricultural organizations can be a lucrative day job, but the people commanding those hefty paychecks are being tasked with navigating a shifting to-do list as they lead their workforces and their industries.