Ag Labor Solutions Pt 2
Tuesday Jan 19th, 2021 With today’s Fruit Grower Report, I’m Bob Larson. Ag groups are ready to take on Congress in the new year with a list of industry needs, topped in one form or another by ag labor reforms.
AmericanHort Senior Vice President Craig Regelbrugge, speaking at the Potato Expo, said they’ll be taking another run at the Farm Workforce Modernization Act …
REGELBRUGGE … “That all said, I mean, I think many of us are disappointed that we were not able to make progress last year after the House passed the landmark bill. I think that we clearly understand, you know, the pandemic began to bear down and the rest quickly became history.”
Ag Labor Solutions Pt 1
Monday Jan 18th, 2021 With today’s Fruit Grower Report, I’m Bob Larson. With a new administration and a shuffling of Congressional numbers to deal with, ag groups are preparing for another face off.
Speaking recently at the Potato Expo, AmericanHort’s Craig Regelbrugge said priorities begin with a continued push for upgrades to our ag labor rules that began back in the 90s …
REGELBRUGGE … “And they did so when the agricultural sector had tried to sort of get its own way on what we thought H-2A should look like. And, the farmworker advocates similarly tried to get their own way on a very different view of agricultural labor, and we both had enough power to stop the other. It’s always easier to kill than it is to achieve in Washington.”