Photo: Channel 10
Melbourne, Day 2 AT (After Therese). Four supposedly innocent people walk into a garden in the dead of night. Suddenly they are surrounded by fire and Christmas lights: the pagan rite has begun. Also, a big bunch of amateur cooks who failed last night are there. One cook out of Depinder, Jess, Pete and Scott will win immunity from Sunday s elimination.
Melissa introduces the fearsome Scott The Flaming Ponytail Pickett. Scott has collected 16 chef s hats over his career, and still refuses to reveal what he did with the chefs. His specialty is cooking with fire – he runs six restaurants, all of them terrifyingly unsafe. He demonstrates his technique for setting fire to various foods and how to make water taste like smoke. The challenge is for the four aspirants to cook a dish flavoured by fire , which I assumed means burnt . The best fire-flavoured dish wins immunity. It ll be amazing to see how they flavour ice-cream with fire.