After Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar banned the transfer posting of officers in the Land Reforms and Revenue departments, state minister Ramsurat Rai on Sunday clarified that the orders weren t cancelled but suggested for review as some people complained their orders came within a short span of time.
After Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar allegedly called BJP MLA Nikki Hembrom "beautiful" during a meeting on Monday, she said she was hurt by his behaviour and has informed her party’s leadership.
Pegasus row: Chorus grows for probe, former Bihar CM Jitan Manjhi backs Opposition demand
Pegasus row: Chorus grows for probe, former Bihar CM Jitan Manjhi backs Opposition demand
Former Bihar CM Jitan Ram Manjhi has become the latest NDA ally to demand a probe into the Pegasus snooping issue after Nitish Kumar.
UPDATED: August 3, 2021 11:37 IST
Jitan Ram Manjhi has become the latest Opposition leader to demand a probe into the Pegasus snooping. (PTI)
After Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, another ally of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Jitan Ram Manjhi has joined the chorus demanding a probe into the Pegasus snooping row.