dialogue with the syrian government. troops. at the same time it takes time to get prepared in the field. that the sieging of afrin city center all start rapidly in the coming days. i think that the problem of this problem is that. now the. big. three. we begin in syria where at this hour the fight for african has become all the more complicated there are reports that hundreds of prover seen fighters have arrived in the northern kurdish enclave to take a stand against a turkish led offensive in the region in fact reports say that shots have already been fired raising the specter of a deadly direct confrontation between turkey and the syrian regime turkey says that
dialogue with the syrian government. at the same time it takes time to get prepared in the field. that the siege of afrin city center will start rapidly in the coming days. i think that the problem this problem is the sort. of thing. we begin in syria where at this hour the fight for our freedom has become all the more complicated there are reports that hundreds of prover seem fighters have arrived in the northern kurdish enclave to take a stand against a turkish led offensive in the region in fact reports say that shots have already been fired raising the specter of a deadly direct confrontation between turkey and the syrian regime turkey says that