Burning Spear News Between a rock and a hard place The All African People’s Development and Empowerment Project answers your COVID-19 vaccine related questions May 7, 2021 Dr. Aisha Fields, AAPDEP International Director Nurse prepares to vaccinate children by World Bank Photo Collection is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
When my children were little, I hesitated to get them vaccinated. I was scared to pump their little bodies with anything that might potentially cause them harm.
Although my mom is a medical doctor and I am a physicist by training, I have never completely embraced or trusted the colonial medical or scientific establishment. Why? For the same reason I don’t trust the colonial school system to correctly educate my children. And I reject the idea that African p
Burning Spear News Dec 10, 2020
Now more than ever, African (black) people have to be involved in a process of taking back control over our lives.
From large scale farms to backyard gardens, it is important for black people to grow and produce our own food. Black people have a strong history of food production.
Before colonialism and slavery, African people were growing, raising, hunting and fishing for our own food in a sustainable way. We were people who produced life for ourselves.
Although this type of development was interrupted over 600 years ago, in the All African People’s Development and Empowerment Project (AAPDEP), we recognize how necessary it is for us to struggle to achieve this in our communities again.