The Misadventures Of A Brooklyn Tortoise & Flock Of Sheep End On A Happy Note
arrow The flock of young sheep were transported to an animal sanctuary in New Jersey. Meantime, Doris the tortoise is back home in Brooklyn. NYPD Special Ops/Laura Torres
The separate misadventures of a pet tortoise and flock of lambs came to an end on Friday, with authorities corralling the animals and bringing them to sanctuary safe and sound.
The case of Doris the tortoise began ten days ago after the four-legged African Leopard Tortoise split from her Bay Ridge home after the gate had been left open. The owner, Laura Torres, organized neighborhood search groups and posted a reward for the return of the animal. A Facebook page dubbed Tortoise Lost in Brooklyn was also created. The hard-shell animal somehow lumbered her way to Staten Island (by swimming or crossing the Verrazano Bridge is anyone s guess), surviving all those days on who knows what.
First Published: 2:18 PM PDT, April 29, 2021
The 10-inch African Leopard Tortoise escaped its owner s Bay Ridge backyard on April 21 and hasn t been seen since.
Has anyone seen Doris?
Doris is an African Leopard Tortoise who apparently escaped her owner’s backyard after the gate was accidentally left open at their Brooklyn home. It’s been more than a week since her April 21 disappearance and the family is worried sick.
Doris crawls slowly and has a 10-inch shell that is tall and brown. Please look in all outdoor areas, the missing poster reads.
Laura Torres, Doris’ owner and her family plan to offer a reward for her safe return. Torres told ABC News that Doris has been part of her family for the last 22 years.