A woman and her two grey parrots were killed in an alleged arson attack on their third floor flat on Everham Road in Westham, Phoenix, KwaZulu-Natal, on Monday morning.
Bob Mbaya Kabongo was arrested during a joint operation conducted by UWA, UPDF and Police in Kibaya village, Bunagana town council following intelligence information received about a suspected.
large wholesale quantities of wild caught african grey parrots into bangladesh. and that would be illegal under international law? yeah, that would be illegal under international law. back in bangladesh, faiz was getting cold feet. he told us the authorities were getting stricter, so the birds could still be imported but he could not take responsibility for them at airport customs. when later called up by the film s producer in the uk, faiz at first denied offering to trade african greys, and then claimed he did not know that their import was now illegal. our reporter contracted other sellers based in africa and asia and secured promises of shipments via transit countries.
dynamic, the online space is too fragmented. the system s mission is to identify online trading hot spots in the hope of disrupting a business that s worth £15 billion a year. although many online sites have worked to remove illicit content, the system has found around 10,000 classified ads all over the world for the sale of potentially endangered species and their parts. we showed our film to rowan martin of the world parrot trust, whose expertise in parrots and trafficking is helping the project s researchers. so, rowan, that was obviously undercover filming that colleagues of ours did in bangladesh. what do you think of all that? a lot of those would be endangered species but it might not necessarily be illegal trade. the conversation switches from this sort of legal side of things to more grey areas, where he is offering up or explaining how he can import large wholesale quantities of wild caught african grey