Session. Senator flake, if you will continue. Senator flake thank you mr. Chairman. We talked before the break about an aumf. E need i mentioned how few people were actually here. Than 100use, fewer members of the house were there was passed. 1 aumf 23ody on this panel but only members of the senate were here to vote. Simply helps. We have to have a situation where the congress is more involved here. Newderstand, say that a aumf would be welcomed but not required. Just for the benefit of everybody here, no administration would ever aumfde that you need an because the absence of it would suggest that what we have been doing for 16 years would be illegal. Certain activities we have undertaken. I think we all understand the administration will say that no aumf or no new authorities are needed by whether or not they are needed to provide a legal basis, they are certainly needed politically and we cannot continue to go on in a situation 70 of the house and the senate has never voted on an a
Were glad to be back in session. Senator flake, if you will continue. Senator flake thank you mr. Chairman. We talked before the break about an aumf. E need i mentioned how few people were actually here. Than 100use, fewer members of the house were there was passed. 1 aumf 23ody on this panel but only members of the senate were here to vote. Simply helps. We have to have a situation where the congress is more involved here. Newderstand, say that a aumf would be welcomed but not required. Just for the benefit of everybody here, no administration would ever aumfde that you need an because the absence of it would suggest that what we have been doing for 16 years would be illegal. Certain activities we have undertaken. I think we all understand the administration will say that no aumf or no new authorities are needed by whether or not they are needed to provide a legal basis, they are certainly needed politically and we cannot continue to go on in a situation 70 of the house and the senate
[apple pound devil pound [gavel pound] were glad to be back in session. Senator flake, if you will continue. Senator flake thank you mr. Chairman. We talked before the break about an aumf. E need i mentioned how few people were actually here. Than 100use, fewer members of the house were there was passed. 1 aumf 23ody on this panel but only members of the senate were here to vote. Simply helps. We have to have a situation where the congress is more involved here. Newderstand, say that a aumf would be welcomed but not required. Just for the benefit of everybody here, no administration would ever aumfde that you need an because the absence of it would suggest that what we have been doing for 16 years would be illegal. Certain activities we have undertaken. I think we all understand the administration will say that no aumf or no new authorities are needed by whether or not they are needed to provide a legal basis, they are certainly needed politically and we cannot continue to go on in a s
Sen. Corker the committee is now coming back out of recess. As with the senate we had one member who lollygagged around and took longer than we thought. Its the story of the United States senate. Were glad to be back in session. Senator flake, continue your work. Mr. Flake thank you, mr. Chairman. We talked a little before the break about reasons we need an aumf. I mentioned how few people were actually here. Nobody on this panel voted in the senate on the aumf. In the house, fewer than 100 members of the house were there. When the 2001 aumf was passed. I think a total in the senate, nobody on this panel, but only 23 members of the senate were here to vote on the aumf. And so it simply helps, we have to have a situation where the congress is more involved here. I understand you say that a new aumf would be welcomed but not required. Just for the benefit of everybody here, no administration would ever concede that you need an aumf, because the absence of it would suggest that what weve
So if we can come to order. Thank you for being here. On april 27 of this year our subcommittee held a hearing on south sudans prospects for peace. An accord that finally ended the civil war that broke out in december of 2013 was reluctantly signed by both the government of south sudan and the Peoples Liberation movement in opposition in august of 2015. We were cautioned by ambassador booth at the time. And i remember your testimony on april 27th, mr. Ambassador, when you said these are the most significant advancements yet in implementing the Peace Agreement, but you also cautioned and said it is only a First Step Towards lasting peace, the most difficult work still lies ahead. Those words were prophetic and certainly very, very true, especially given what happened in july. Peace was never fully established in south sudan as a result of the august agreement. In fact, as we all know, fighting spread to areas that had not previously seen armed conflict. An estimated 50,000 south sudanes