But first, lets get headlines from carol massar. Boeing is now looking at a 10 billion stock buyback, in addition to the 800 million plan. It is also boosting its dividend by 50 . They now has a Quarterly Dividend of . 73 per share. Herbalife is saying price noerhouse coopers has said changes in its riata dating back to 2010. To 2010. It dating back herbalife shares serving soaring in the afterlife after hours trading. A stock deal valuing kkr at 2. 6 billion. Thanks very much. Facebook, walmart, apple, and Lockheed Martin what do they all have in common . They are all exploring the potential use for facial Recognition Technology. In the future, your face print, not your fingerprint, could be a good tool for marketers. Megan hughes joins us with more. This mean for peoples privacy, other than waking making them wear a mask . That is something the Obama Administration has just started looking at. That does not seem very realistic for the day to day life. The calmest Commerce Department