Examining Missing Migrants in the East and Horn of Africa Region in the Context of COVID-19
Every year, thousands of migrants die or go missing in the course of their journeys abroad. Recording information about these incidents and the people involved provides an opportunity to identify where humanitarian and life-saving practices are most needed, as exemplified by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which put forward indicator 10.7.3, the “number of people who died or disappeared in the process of migration towards an international destination,” to measure progress towards the achievement of target 10.7 on “facilitating orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration.”1 Each year, hundreds of thousands of migrants from the East and Horn of Africa journey along dangerous, irregular and mixed migration routes to reach various destinations around the world, with the most important and relevant migratory corridor being the Eastern Route which run
26 Apr 2021
The Better Migration Management (BMM) programme is a regional, multi-year, multi-partner programme which seeks to improve the management of safe, orderly and regular migration through providing support to national authorities to address Trafficking in Persons (TiP) and Smuggling of Migrants (SoM) within and from the EHoA region. In particular, the programme aims to strengthen national and regional migration governance in accordance with global and regional frameworks through enhancing national and cross-border operations as well as inter-agency cooperation on the management of trafficking and smuggling cases between investigations, prosecution, courts and other state and non-state actors in accordance with international standards. The BMM programme also aims to improve the prevention of TiP and SoM and protection of vulnerable migrants at a local, national and regional level, ensuring appropriate assistance and support for victims of trafficking, taking into account age
Displacement Tracking Matrix - East and Horn of Africa Regional Snapshot - December 2020
The Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in the East and Horn of Africa (EHoA) region is currently active in eight countries (Burundi, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda, and the United Republic of Tanzania), and its methodology includes four main components (mobility tracking, flow monitoring, registrations, and surveys).
As of December 2020, DTM in the region tracked 6.4M Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and 2.7M Returnees, as reported during the last round of DTM assessments for each country, or through secondary data sources. The figures of IDPs and returnees for Ethiopia are as of Round 23 (September 2020), and the figures for South Sudan are as of Round 8 (March 2020). The IDP figure for Burundi is as of Round 58 (December 2020). Displacement figures for Kenya and Uganda were reported as of December 2019. While DTM coverage is being expanded in Somalia, the I
IOM Regional Office for East and Horn of Africa Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) COVID-19 Regional Overview on Mobility Restrictions as of 25 February 2021
The current outbreak of COVID-19 has affected global mobility in the form of various travel disruptions and restrictions. To better understand how COVID-19 affects global mobility, IOM has developed a global mobility database to map and gather data on the locations, status and different restrictions at Points of Entry (PoEs), globally. In the East and Horn of Africa (EHoA) region, IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) teams in nine of the ten countries covered by IOM Nairobi Regional Office are actively collecting information on various PoEs, internal transit locations, as well as other areas of interest in an effort to better understand the extent of these restrictions, as well as the impact on different types of population groups. This report is developed as a close collaboration between IOM’s divisions and uni