sanctions aren t strong enough, how far do we go? but the question is what changes can you make in how far you go with a what calculations you make. ed: obviously, we mentioned the impact on the market but also on the world, is there going to be a military conflict between the u.s. and iran? here s what daniel hoffman, former cia station chief, said last hour. it s right out of iran s playbook. iran is seeking to target saudi arabia, drive up the cost of saudis involvement in yemen where iran is supporting their proxy militant group, the houthis. but they also want to drive up the cost of oil because we have imposed such crippling sanctionings on iran, and we re making it next to impossible for them to export their oil on which their economy depends. i would expect some discussion this week behind the scenes between the administration and the congress where the administration shares intelligence about this recent attack. pete: so imagine the situation if iran has a bomb. everythin
afghanistan. that they would have its former leadership held in guantanamo now celebrating freedom inside afghanistan. but to bob s point, they haven t been part of the campaign for a very long time. also we re now moving to a stage where the afghan government is trying to engage in serious talks with the taliban leadership and make them part of the political process. so releasing prisoners, including the leaders, that s always been part of the process of ultimately making peace. tom, what do you think? it s interesting that their families are also with them in qatar so you re actually talking about a group of about 70 all in. do you think they end up in pakistan? i think, yes, i agree that i don t think they are really terribly dangerous. one or two might end up trying to get back on the battlefield, some feeble attempt at it, but i
afghanistan aren t going to change the fortunes in the battlefield. why not? these guys are important. they are middle age, they are not young fighters. they have been at it a long time. i wouldn t call them foot soldiers but they are not key to that war. there are other key people. if we could close that network down, you could do something about afghanistan. i just don t look at these guys as that dangerous. we do know that at least one of them has tried to make contact or made contact with terrorists after being released. they are not young fighters but couldn t they be very powerful in terms of the ideology saying i was held in guantanamo bay, here s what it was like here s what happens to me sort of helping spread that message to encourage those that want to do harm to the united states? i think you re absolutely right that this would be a boost of confidence for the taliban and for its followers inside
released from five years of captivity in afghanistan in exchange the united states transferred five guantanamo inmates to qatar for one year. that deal expires on monday. u.s. and qatar officials are meeting to decide what to do with the men now. let s talk about it with tom fuentes, kimberly dozer and bob baer. when you look at this, you have the u.s. that has a say. you have qatar that has more of a say because they are holding these guys. and afghanistan, the taliban in afghanistan has somewhat of a say as to what happens. what s the safest thing for the world to happen to these guys? well poppy, let me put it this way. what s going to happen is they are going to send these guys to pakistan who will promise to watch them and they ll get back into the taliban one way or another. i don t think it s particularly catastrophic for us in the sense that five loose guys back in
way of i think enoibling sacrifices that have a lot of nobility for the individual. but to say that someone kind of died heroically suggests that they died worthy. or they died in the pursuit of a worthy endeavor. i think the word hero is clearly deliberate. i think it is meant to cast, drape these kind, wars in a sort of righteous way. and i think we have to be comfortable or allow ourselves to say out loud, like these wars, in iraq and afghanistan aren t in my opinion, i don t think they re righteous wars. that doesn t mean that we have to disrespect the people called upon to serve and who have chosen to devote their lives to this. there s valor in that. but we can t be afraid of criticizing a policy at the same time we recognize that. i mean the great poetry that came out of world wore war i and world war ii, like robinson jeffers, they didn t use these words like hero when everyone else was.