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While the hits just keep coming for Nashville hospitality workers including many folks displaced from jobs and homes by the Christmas Day bombing in downtown the Tennessee Action for Hospitality group continues to reach out a helping hand. Working in partnership with Affordable Housing Resources Inc. in conjunction with MDHA and CARES Act Funds, TAH is reaching out to those in the food and beverage industry to let them know that assistance is available for those needing help to make rent or mortgage payments.
While the program isn’t new, the focus on outreach to the hospitality community is desperately needed during these tough times. The funds are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, so time is of the essence. If you or someone you know needs help paying for housing because of underemployment or under employment, call 615-251-0025 ext. 0 to apply for a grant. Applicants will need documented evidence of how the COVID-19 crisis has impac