on obama care, and the president s controversial health care reform law, and better known perhaps a as the affordable care act on capitol hill, and this is at the heart of the budget battle right now. the house passed a spending plan to undercut obama care and it faces almost certain failure in the senate. 2:00 is the vote. let s bring in tom foreman who is breaking down the factts and the myths of obama care so you can figure out where you stand. tom, i m so glad that you are here, because when there is a live guest on the air, i come armed with the claims they make, and how they can be debunct, because they can be. and they can. and start with the big one. when president obama was trying to pass health care reform, he said explicitly, you can keep your own doctor. l let s listen to him talking about that for a moment. first of all, if you have health insurance, and you like your doctor and you like your plan, you can keep your doctor, and you can keep your plan. nobody is talking