This, 95 to 100 , with great reason. Mr. Cooper. Thank you, mr. Chairman. I admire you, gentlemen, for your service to the nation and your work particularly since you are having to operate an irrational budget environment. Almost none of your predecessors have ever had to do that. When we have a house of representatives that refuses to even open discussions with the senate on a budget for america. Our media environment, many folks back home are unaware of this. Theyre mad at congress in general. They dont understand that one house of congress is unwilling to talk to another house of congress about having a budget for america. Somehow we have gotten in our heads especially the younger members its okay for the house to have a budget and senate to have a separate budget. Never the two shall meet. Were supposed to have a budget for america. This committee and markup of it my amendment voted overwhelmingly by voice to give the pentagon flexibility to address the mo defensing need. When a re
Host and this week on the communicators we welcome back the president and ceo of the American Cable Association, matt polka. Mr. Polka, what is the American Cable Association . Guest thanks, peter. Nice to be here again. Nice to be here with you, lynn, as well. The American Cable Association is unique in the fact that we represent many smaller Cable Operators across the country, and everyone always asks me, are there still small Cable Operators left . In fact, there are nearly 900 of them in every corner you can imagine, rural areas, small towns. Many of them are providing Competitive Services even against some of the largest providers today. And whats great about these smaller companies, its a terrific story because theyre providing broadband, highspeed broadband in rural areas that desperately need Broadband Service. So these are the members we represent. Theyre smaller, theyre independent which means that theyre not affiliated with larger content companies or larger providers, and w
Promise to the American People. Another promise. If you like your from, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your Health Care Plan, youll be able to keep your Health Care Plan, period. No one will take it away no matter what. The words of the leader of the free world, mr. President. And, of course, we know from story after story of real people who are being hurt by this law that time after time after time again, in thousands of homes across the United States of america that promise just as the promise made to the service men, that promise is being broken. If my friend from georgia will indulge me, let me give one example of a family of real individuals, honest, hardworking americans who feel that another promise is being broken in the form of the socalled Affordable Health care. I got an email from a father from greenville, mississippi, who is concerned about his 27yearold son. For the past six years his son was covered under a policy provided by humana. When the h
Uscretary Kathleen Sebeli repeatedly told lawmakers to hold her report filed to hold her responsible for the heard the rocky start. We are asking viewers whether you think it is appropriate to holder to blame, and who should be held responsible and what should happen next. Republicans can call in at 202 5853881. Democrats 202 5853880. Independents, 202 5853882. If you are outside the u. S. , it is 202 5853883. You can also catch up with us on all of your favorite social media pages, on twitter and facebook or email us journal c span. Org. A very good thursday morning to you. Halloween morning. Lots of stories, lots of front page stories about cap lanes of bilious about Kathleen Sebeli us. Websitesfor the flaws. Hold me accountable, she tells the panel. The story in todays wall street journal, sebelius apologizes for the health sites woes. Top health care official prefers employee or plan. I want to start by reading a bit wrapupe politico yesterday, what they called a split screen day,
Broken and serve the people in it, you will never deal with any of the problems you care about. The corruption has got to be rooted out because it is poisoning the country. We need to return to the dominant, true ideology of the American People which is common sense. Hat appeals across the board as a democrat or republican or independent, you can win doing the right thing. The Political Class and the media and those in the establishment who dominate the country there is a message, the people are coming and they are coming for you. Are we going to have that in a positive way that gives a resurgence to our values in the country . That moment is that hand. It comes every 40 years. This is as big a moment as it was prior to the civil war. The change we are looking at will be decisive. The people who live outside the beltway are ready to reclaim their country. Thank you. [applause] wow, look at this. Panel and these two guys were contestants, i would say that pat won. That is not right. You