rasmussen called it 33/31 over romney with ron paul ahead of rick santorum. american research group shows similar numbers. still, the real clear politics average of south carolina polls suggests that romney maintains an edge. gingrich s second ex-wife mar maryman has gone public in 1999 after 18 years of marriage, gingrich sought her nowission to have an affais gingrich s third wife. he asked me for an open marriage and i refused. he wanted an open marriage? yes, that i accept the fact he has somebody else in his life. you said? no. no. that is not a marriage. i m not going to say anything about marianne. my daughters have written to abc complaining about this as tawdry and inappropriate. he said this about the character flaws. vy been very open about my life and the mistakesvy made and very open about needing to go to god for forgiveness and seek reconciliation.