much of the campaign against the aents-gay amendment has focused on the fact that it s language would not just ban marriage rights for same sex couple, it would ban all legal rights for all unmarried couples in the state. there are hundreds of thousands of unmarried couples who have some recognized legal status whether it s around child custody or police and prosecutor being able to protect you against domestic violence. that point about unmarried couples who aren t gay, that point said the anti-gay amendment will hurt them in north carolina by making the state an unattractive place to recruit top talent to work, those arguments and not the gay rights arguments were the focus of this robo call from bill clinton. i m calling to urge you to vote against amendment one. fp it passes it won t change north carolina s law on
in north carolina, the focus is on an amendment to ban gay marriage in the state of north carolina even though it s already banned there. much of the campaign against the aents-gay amendment has focused on the fact that it s language would not just ban marriage rights for same sex couple, it would ban all legal rights for all unmarried couples in the state. there are hundreds of thousands of unmarried couples who have some recognized legal status whether it s around child custody or police and prosecutor being able to protect you against domestic violence. that point about unmarried couples who aren t gay, that point said the anti-gay amendment will hurt them in north carolina by making the state an unattractive place to recruit top talent to work, those arguments and not the gay rights arguments were the focus of this robo call from bill clinton.