On Tuesday, 1618 stocks advanced, 1873 declined and 149 remained unchanged on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), with an advance decline ratio of 0.86, indicating a negative closing of stocks in broader markets.
Mansion Global
Alaçati is a Turkish Paradise With a Uniquely Grecian Flavor
Nestled near the on the Çeşme peninsula, less than an hour from Izmir, the historic seaside town is the jewel in the crown of Turkey’s exclusive Aegean escapes By India Stoughton |
Alaçati has slowly transformed into one of Turkey s most elite destinations, boasting luxurious villas, excellent cuisine and access to some of the finest beaches in the Aegean. Emreturanphoto / Getty Images
Alaçati has slowly transformed into one of Turkey s most elite destinations, boasting luxurious villas, excellent cuisine and access to some of the finest beaches in the Aegean.